M.F.A. University of Washington, Seattle, WA
B.A. The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA
Professor Emeritus of Art, Cornish School of the Arts, Seattle, WA
Founder & Director, Two Dot Schoolhouse Studios and Residency Program, Two Dot, MT
exhibitions - installations
re:88 fable of a decommissioned piano, The Cornish Playhouse, Settle, WA
flat fall, Method Gallery, Seattle WA
lost long, Jack Straw New Media Gallery , Seattle, WA
I would. Cornish College of the Arts, Seattle WA
wait, where am i: collection.obsession, Artscapes, Spaceworks, Tacoma, WA
Two Dot Spot: mail room. Cornish College of the Arts, Seattle, WA
Location & Light, Studio 1723, Seattle, WA
have a place in mind, Art in Nature, Seattle, WA
Trace: occupancy. Mark Makers, Cornish College of the Arts, Seattle, WA
Read Un-read, 4 Culture, Seattle, WA
Trace, Art Outside, Port Angeles Fine Art Center, Port Angeles, WA
other exhibitions
Living Artist Collective: member exhibition, Seattle, WA
88, Shift Gallery, Seattle, WA
there = here, Aunt Dofe’s Hll of Recent Memory, Willow Creek, MT
Drawing in Two Dot, Woodlawn Grocery Gallery, Seattle, WA
The Religion of Grass, Jacob Lawrence Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Observable Weather: 3 books. Forecast: Communicating Weather and Climate, Seattle, WA
5280, Columbia City Gallery, Seattle, WA
More Than, Seattle Municipal Tower Gallery, Seattle, WA
2017 Parenthesis, Exported: Ruth Marie Tomlinson – Two Dot, MT, Vignettes
2017 88, companion to exhibition at Shift Gallery, Seattle, WA
2016-2017 blog author, here|there
2016 Two Dot Spot, companion to exhibition at Aunt Dofe’s Hall of Recent Memory, Willow Creek, MT
2015, flat fall, self published by the artist artist in conjunction with installation
2008-2015 blog author, Two Dot Spot
2014 lost long: a romance, companion to exhibition at Jack Straw Cultural Center, Seattle, WA
2008, co-author with Cheryl dos Remedios, Clark Lake Art Plan for the City of Kent
2007, author, “The Nature of Change,” in channeling herbert: eathworks · artworks · public works